Acnes Medicated Skincare
Received a parcel from Mentholathum♥ recently.
They sent me their " Acnes Medicated creamy wash " for me to try out.
Been using their products since then and i wanna share with all my readers ;)
Why i wanna share ? Hmm...
For those that are close to me, you all should be aware that i am acne-prone skin.
In fact, majority of us Asians, are having this problem..
Am i right? =)
Be it due to stress, hormones disorder, environments or what so ever,
We always have this problem of having those " cute little baddies " on our face!
Sometimes even though we tried all our mights to wash, cleanse, maintain,
Its still pops out!
Whats annoyed the most is especially when u are having your date, going for occasions,
Then you will see those "baddies" turning out to say hello to your dates right? [笑]
Well, me too, especially when i need to go for events or photoshoots!
Who doesn't wish to be on your best look right? =)
But this Creamy wash from Mentholathum changed me!
I've been using it for a few days and i've already seen the results!
Don't believe? try it and you will see the difference!
What makes Mentholathum Acne wash so special?
- Anti-Bacteria : Contains Isopropyl Methyphenol [ o-cymen-5-ol ] which penetrates deep into pores to fight against bacteria and prevents pimples!
- Soothing : Helps sooth redness and skin irritation caused by acne. Prevents aggravation of pimples.
- Deep Cleansing : Helps unclog pores and reduce blemishes by deeply cleansing to remove dirt,oil,impurities and excess sebum.
- Moisture retention : Contains Vit. C with moisture retention benefits,leaving skin soft and moisturised after wash.
- Anti-oxidation : Contains Vit. E, an effective anti-oxidant, to keep elasticity of skin.
See, it contains so much Vitamins, which our skin severely needs.
Whats more, Mentholathum had a wide range of products that caters to our needs,from cleansing,toning,moisturising to special care, all you can find for that beautiful you!

The Price is affordable for us, commoners too , so why waste money to go for facials, saloon etc.
With their wide range of products, you may now save more more more money for other uses!!

Try it today to see the results yourself! Even if you were the type that has flawless skin, its good too!
XoXo. =)

♥ xiiao michelle ♥
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