[Advertorial Review] Are you too hot to handle? ;)
We are all aware that a healthy diet and regular exercise is the key to a svelte figure, but that doesn’t mean that we can't help to speed things up with a little EXTRA help, especially if it does not require adding on another 200 crunches or additional 30 minutes of cardio to your exercise regime.
Introducing the new high performance Celebrity’s Choice InchLoss Body Cream Extra Strength-- power packed with 2X* strength and working 2X harder with its 24hrs intense heat sensation to burn stubborn fatty deposits and shed EXTRA inches off targeted areas- flabby arms, tummy, thighs & legs, the easier way of course!!
So what is so special in this Body Cream??
This body cream is power packed with unique and natural bio-heat active ingredients such as Bio Mineral Amino Acid Essence & Bio Energy Fluid to greatly enhance the absorption and effectiveness of the active ingredients. It also helps speed up the reduction of stubborn fatty deposits under the skin to achieve amazing slimming results of ½ inch off arms, tummy, thighs and legs in just 7 days! Feel the tingling heat sensation immediately after application, helping to promote body shaping, contouring and firming of skin instantly for a slimmer silhouette.
What’s more, it also works to help reduce the appearance of stretch marks, moisturize and smoothen skin while promoting digestion and relieving bowel problems. Experience the pleasant fragrance with new increased heat sensation every time you massage the cream. It is the sign of the process to a slender you. Experience it now!
Unique with Bio-heat That Burns Fats The Whole Day!
Feel the instant results:
A warm and pleasant heat sensation
Flabby skin feels tighter
Skin becomes firmer & smoother
After 7 days of twice daily usage:
Arms, tummy, thighs and legs look firmer
Achieve a slimmer silhouette and lose up to ½ inch!
Stretch marks and cellulite look less obvious
*As compared to Celebrity’s Choice Inchloss Body Cream.
And yes! It is endorsed by the popular MediaCorp artiste Aileen Tan, the satisfied Celebrity’s Choice InchLoss user has this to say:
“After 7 days, I am excited to notice that I have lost more than 1/2 inch off my tummy, hips, arms and thighs. I feel that my pants are looser and my arms are also firmer now! I feel the warm sensation the whole day. Now I enjoy a toned and firmer figure, and am also surprised to note that my skin is more tender and smooth!”
And of course, I've received products from Bio-Essence to try on this new product ranges.

So this is my review after using it for 7 days straight:

**Note: Results may varies due to individual.
First Up: Bio-Essence Celebrity’s Choice InchLoss Shower Scrub

Some of the key points of the product:
A revolutionary product that promotes blood and oxygen circulation while showering for a smoother, firmer and slimmer looking body. It contains Bio Energy Fluid, Bio Mineral Amino Acid Essence, Capsicum, Ginger, Ginseng and Pineapple Essence to stimulate the slimming and firming process while encouraging rapid cell renewal. It also deeply cleanses & exfoliates to remove dead skin cells during shower.
My Review:
Next up, Bio-Essence Celebrity's Choice InchLoss Bodycream Extra Strength

Some of the product information:
An exclusive formula that creates a pleasant heat sensation to help burn away excess fats in the arms, tummy and thighs areas for a slimmer-looking silhouette. It contains Bio Mineral Amino Acid Essence, Capsicum, Ginger, Ginseng, Pineapple Essence and Caffeine to enhance the fat burning and slimming process while improving skin elasticity and texture. This highly moisturizing, non-greasy formula also penetrates quickly to leave skin feeling soft, smooth and firm while leaving a pleasant fragrance on your skin. It also helps to promote digestion & relieves bowel movements when applied and massaged at the abdominal area.
Directions to apply:
Apply InchLoss Body Cream Extra Strength over desired areas such as arms, tummy, thighs and legs. Massage in circular motions for a few minutes. Use twice daily for best results. Due to its effective formula, avoid contact with sensitive areas.
My Review:
As what the name suggest, EXTRA STRENGTH, I can really felt the burning sensation of the product as compare to the normal version of the Bio-Essence Celebrity's Choice InchLoss Bodycream that I've used before. The burning sensation lasted me for hours and it makes my targeted area feels ticklish. LOL! But then again, I notice that almost all of the slimming products tend to have this ticklish feel whenever I apply. (Yes, I uses slimming products too, LOL! *speaks softly* I can't afford to go for slimming centres to keep my figure in shape T^T)
So to sum it up, after using Bio-Essence Celebrity's Choice InchLoss Bodycream Extra Strength and Bio-Essence Celebrity's Choice InchLoss shower scrub for 7 days straight, my targeted area really slims down, by a tiny little bit (probably 1/2 inchs). But see! Isn't that what Bio-Essence promised us? :)
A very important reminder for all of you here! Please listen attentively!!
-Always remember that without proper diet and excercise regime, no matter how much/ how effective the slimming product is, you will never be able to slim down! So please, remember to excercise and have a proper diet in conjunction with using the slimming products, so in this way, you are nearer to your targeted size in time to come!
- And always remember to wash your hands thoroughly with soap after applying the products. You don't want to sting your eyes or other sensitive areas isn't it? :)
And of course, here are some of the tips that I want to share with all of you here! Do note it down, as it really helps!
1. Eat regular meals.
Skipping meals not only leads to more snacking & bingeing, it also affects your metabolism, so do not skip your breakfast and lunch.
2. Eat slowly & try not to lunch in front of your workstation.
Go out and have lunch together with your colleagues, where you can relax and move around a little. Lunchtime break is also a great time to temporarily take your mind off work and unwind. Chew your food slowly and enjoy what you are eating. The short walk out to lunch contributes to your daily dose of mild exercise too.
3. Squeeze in more activities in a day.
Move around more as every little bit of activity counts: Tackle a few flights of stairs during your lunch break; park at the farthest lot in the car park. Even standing and moving around while you're on the phone helps.
4. Have healthy snacks on hand.
How do you resist those mid-afternoon goodies that your colleagues pass around? Keep nuts, fruits and other healthy snacks near your desk. When you're hungry, snack on them and you'll be less tempted by the other sugar or calorie loaded junk food around you.
5. Drink water.
Feeling hungry and tired? You may just be dehydrated. Keep water on your desk at all times and plan to drink at least 6-8 cups of plain water in a day. P.S. Coffee and sugared drinks don’t count.
And for those that are interested in getting your hands on the products, here are some of the informations that you might need:
For Inch Loss Body Scrub, its retailing at SGD$12.90 for 200g,
For Inch Loss Body cream, it is retailing at SGD$33.90 for 200g,
and they are available all Watsons, Guardian, Robinsons, John Little, BHG, OG, NTUC, Fair Price, Carrefour, Giant, CK Departmental Store and other leading cosmetic stores!
Alternatively, you might want to try your luck to get the trial packs for free at Bio-Essence Facebook Page, play their game here!
Click here to enter their fanpage: http://www.facebook.com/bioessence.sg
And also, click here to join in their game to win trial sets: http://www.facebook.com/bioessence.sg?sk=app_195413483836630
XOXO! And goodluck to you! Have fun playing! its really easy! heh! ^^
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