ADVERTORIAL REVIEW : Elishacoy Premium Gold Mineral BB cream
ADVERTORIAL REVIEW : Elishacoy Premium Gold Mineral BB cream

As many should have heard of the brand, ELISHACOY by now. Just to summarize it,
Elishacoy is a European styled clean and refined esthetic brand that seeks for well-being life and spiritual abundance, and modern sense and intends to make an individual grow his/her own lifestyle healthily and elegantly.
In case that you might not know, is is a highly dignified organic skincare that maximizes the skin self-survival ability since it was mainly made of herb extracts called ‘ the essence of botanical healing’ and fully contains natural aroma extracted from 100% of natural essential oil.
I am glad that i was being sponsored by the Lush Group to try out their Elishacoy Premium Gold Mineral BB cream.
Now a days, there is wide varieties of BB ( Blemish Balm ) cream in the market, but which of them is really the best for our skin? I used to think that all BB cream is the same, so i did not really care about which is really good for my skin, until i was asked to try out Elishacoy Premium Gold Mineral BB cream .
To be frank, I did thought that Elishacoy Premium Gold Mineral BB cream is like the rest of the brands out there, so i did not really excited about it, until the first time i tried it out, it was totally different! It was so much easier to smoothen my skin, and that, my skin is more radiant then before! And the thing that i really love about this BB cream is that, it does not clog my pores, which means that i did not suffer break-outs at all, and also, my make up is so much easier to apply then before.
In case you be wondering, what is really so special about it, i will be listing down the functions and benefits below!
Function :
17 in 1 BB Cream (Detox + Whitening + Wrinkle Care + Organic Sun
Screen + Makeup Base + Foundation + Concealer + Moisturizer + Brightening + Lifting
& Firming + Soothing + Pore tightening + Skin breathing + Skin balancing + Smoother
skin + Even skin tone + Trouble Care)
Screen + Makeup Base + Foundation + Concealer + Moisturizer + Brightening + Lifting
& Firming + Soothing + Pore tightening + Skin breathing + Skin balancing + Smoother
skin + Even skin tone + Trouble Care)
Benefits :
- Contains organic compound-free ingredient – SPF 45 sunscreen UV diffusing agent
which is non-greasy, skin-friendly & blocks off UV rays effectively unlike other
sun screen which absorbs UV rays which will further damage your skin. - Gold extracts which detoxifies skin, promotes healthy blood circulation & natural
radiance - Nutrition-rich caviar, royal jelly and deep sea water for glowing skin
- Reduces fine lines, freckles & dark circles
- Wraps around the skin for 12 hours to complete a High Definition Nude Makeup
effect. - Eco-certified organic product
Want to acheive those smooth, fair, glowing complexion? Follow the steps below.
Firstly, Cleanse your face well.
(see the skin is dull/eyebags/reddish )
Next, apply ElishaCoy Gold Mineral BB all over your face, especially those areas that is reddish.
( Applying bb cream all around your face. Small amount will do )
( Now face appears to be more radiant/smooth after applying )
And tadah! You got your base for the smooth,fair and glowing complexion!
You may then proceed on with your other make up routines. :)
Tempted to try it out?
Elishacoy Gold Mineral BB is available at all John Little Departments stores and also at the price of SGD$59.90.
♥ xiiao michelle ♥
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